Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday 20140822 Training Session

Speed/Agility Day
Cyborg Strength Wam-up
(see sidebar)
  1. As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes
  2. 3 bar muscle-ups
    4 toes to bar
    5 depth jumps
    6 handstand push-ups
    7 burpee broad jumps
  3. 5-4-3-2-1 3x ea. arm
    Kettlebell clean and press
  4. 10x Single-leg stair hops, 10 steps per leg per lap,
  5. 5x 800m sprint
Mandatory Accessories:
  1. 3x "The Seven" sprint drill
  2. 3x10 single-arm push-ups
Optional Accessories:
  1. Tabata
    Front plank
  2. Tabata
    Side planks, alternate sides each round
  3. 3x15 plyo push-ups
Trainging Resources

General Knowledge

Tactical Skills

Physical Training

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wednesday 20140820 Training Session

PT Test
Cyborg Strength Warm-up
(see sidebar)
The Tabata Test
Done in utility uniform, full kit, and boots
Tabata each of the events (except rope climb) and count total reps
  1. Rope climb (Pass/fail event)
  2. "The Seven" sprint drill. (Count total completed laps; do not count partially completed laps)
  3. Push-ups
  4. Sit-ups
  5. Squats
  6. Stair Sprints (Count total completed laps; do not count partially completed laps
  7. Rope climb (Pass/fail event)

Tuesday 20140819 Training Session

Hypertrophy Day
Cyborg Strength Warm-up
(see sidebar)

  1. Tabata
    Weighted Push-ups, 45
  2. 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 x2
  3. Tabata
  4. Superset
    8 barbell curls
    8 barbell tricep extensions
  5. 1000m Swim
Mandatory Accessories:

  1. Glute-ham raises, 3x8
  2. Leg extensions, 3x8
Optional Accessories:

  1. 5-4-3-2-1 3x
    front raises
    lateral raises
    overhead dumbbell press
Training Resources

General Knowledge

Tactical Skills

Physical Training

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday 20140818 Training Session

Strength Day
Cyborg Strength Warm-up
(see sidebar)

  1. Superset 10x
    5 Bench Press, 90% 5RM
    5 Box Squats, 90% 5RM
    5 Snatch Grip Deadlift->Shrug, 315+
  2. EMOM, 10 minutes
    1 Full Zercher
  3. 400m sprint, 5x
  4. 100m sprint, 5x
Mandatory Accessories:

  1. Barbell Push Press, 5x5
  2. Barbell lunges, 3x10
  3. Weighted Sit-ups, 3x10
  4. Pull-ups, 3x15
Optional Accessories:

  1. Chest Flys, 3x8
  2. Dips, 3x20
Training Resources

General Knowledge

Tactical Skills

Physical training

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday 20140817 Training Session

Power Day
Cyborg Strength Warm-up
(see sidebar)

  1. Every minute on the minute, 10 minutes
    2 hang power cleans
    1 push press
  2. 5 Rounds
    1 thruster, 225
    3 power cleans, 225
    5 jump squats, 225
    7 bent-over barbell rows, 225
  3. "The Seven" x5

Mandatory Accessories:

  1. Knee Jumps, 5x5
  2. Tabata
    Weighted Planks, 70
  3. Tabata
Optional Accessories:

  1. Open water swim, 500m
  2. Glute-ham raises

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Saturday 20140816 Training Session

Speed/Agility Day
Cyborg Strength Warm-up
(see side bar)
  1. 10 rounds
    20 Single leg stair hops, 10 ea leg
    10 squats
    10 lunges up stairs
    Bear crawl back to bottom
  2. 200m burpee broadjump
Mandatory Acessories:
  1. Depth jump, 3x10
  2. Weighted decline sit-ups, 3x10
  3. Super set 5x
    5 bar muscle-ups
    10 handstand push-ups
    15 sit-ups
Optional Accessories:
  1. Leg extensions, 3x8
  2. Single-arm dumbbell press, 3x8
Training Resources

General Knowledge

Tactical Skills

Physical Training

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Friday 20140815 Training Session

Active Recovery
Cyborg Strength Warmup
Get outside, play a sport, run around, hike, bike, swim whatever; just do something.

Thursday 20140814 Training Session

Hypertrophy Day
Cyborg Strength Warm-up
(See sidebar to the right of the page)

  1. 5 rounds
    2 deadlifts, 365
    4 bench press, 225
    6 dumbbell burpee broad jumps, 50lb bells
    8 towel pull-ups
  2. 5 mile run -or- 5x 400m sprint w/ 1 min rest between laps
Mandatory accessories:

  1. Dynamic sit-up->box jump 3x20
  2. Leg extensions, 3x8
  3. Leg curls, 3x8
Optional accessories:

  1. 3x
    Dumbbell Front raises
    Dumbbell Lateral raises
    Dumbbell Overhead press
  2. Behind the back barbell wrist curls, 3x8
Training Resources

General Knowledge

Tactical Skills

Physical Training

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wednesday 20140813 Training Session

Strength Day
Warm up:
10 reps each, except Carioca
Carioca, 50m
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
Knee jumps

  1. 10 rounds
    3 pause front squats
    3 overhead barbell press
    5 kettlebell swings
  2. 5 rounds
    100m swim with fins, CSS
    20 squats

Mandatory accessories:

  1. Superset 3x
    15 pullups
    15 dips
  2. Weighted decline sit-ups 3x8
  3. Step-ups with kettle bells in front rack position, 3x8 ea leg
Optional accessories:

  1. Leg extensions, 3x8
  2. Calf raises, 3x8
Training Resources

General Knowledge

Tactical Skills

Physical Training

Training Material for 20140812

General Knowledge

Tactical Skills

Physical Training

Tuesday 20140812 Training Session

Power Day
Warm up:
10 reps each, except Carioca
Carioca, 50m
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
Knee jumps
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 pyramid
Power cleans, increase in 5 pound increments every set
Bulgarian split squats, bodyweight, per leg
Snatch-grip high pulls from the hang, 5x5
Weighted planks, 70
Weighted box jumps, 5x8
Static chin-over-bar hold, palms forward
1000m open water swim
tabata sprint/walk

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Monday, 20140811 Training Session

Speed/Agility Day
Warm up:
10 reps each, except Carioca
Carioca, 50m
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
Knee jumps
10 rounds
Single leg stair hops, 10 steps per leg
10 body weight squats
20 lunges
7 handstand push-ups
Depth jumps, 5x5
Weighted box jumps, 5x5
4x 100m sprint
4x 400m sprint

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Saturday 20140809 Training Session

PT Test
Warm up:
10 reps each, except Carioca
Carioca, 50m
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
Knee jumps
Done in uniform with plate carrier and gas mask
Time and count each event individually. 
10 minute rest between events, max
400m run
Max pullups
Max push-ups in 1 minute
Max v-ups in 1 minute
3 rope climb ascents
Max wall-ups in 1 minute

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Friday 20140808 Training Session

Hypertrophy Day
Warm up:
10 reps each, except Carioca
Carioca, 50m
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
Knee jumps
Bench press, 3x20
Squats, 3x20
Back extensions, 3x20
Barbell row, 3x10
10 leg extensions
10 calf raises
10 Glute-ham raises
Kettlebell clean and press
4x 400m sprint
4x 100m sprint

Thursday 20140807 Training Session

Strength Day
Warm up:
10 reps each, except Carioca
Carioca, 50m
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
Knee jumps
3 incline bench press
3 box squats
3 snatch-grip deficit deadlifts
EMOM, 5 minutes
Rope climb w/ vest
Weighted planks, 70
Swim 500m dolphin kick w/ fins, no arms

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Exercise Demos

This list will be constantly updated at the request of the readers and at my own discretion.
Single-leg Box Jumps
Dynamic sit-up-> box jump
Negative pull-ups

Hang Power Clean
KB Sit-up Complex
Band-resistance pull-ups

Jump Squats & Single-leg stair hops

Box Jumps from a seated position

KB Throw and chase & log flips

BTN Thruster
Knee Jumps

Overhead Barbell Walk

Weighted Box Jumps

(Shallow) Jump Squats from Rack
A video posted by Zack B (@cyborgstrength) on

Bottom Position Push Press

A video posted by Zack B (@cyborgstrength) on

Wednesday 20140806 Training Session

Power Day
Warm up:
10 reps each, except Carioca
Carioca, 50m
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
EMOM, 10 minutes
1 pendlay row
1 high pull
1 hang power clean
1 push press
BTN Push press, 10x1
Weighted box jumps, 5x5 50lb dumbbells
Weighted stair lunges, 3x30
5 KB sit-ups with KB in both hands
5 in right hand
5 in left hand
5 in both
5x 400m sprint
Stair sprints, 3x full bleachers

Monday, August 4, 2014

Tuesday 20140805 Training Session

Speed/Agility Day
10 reps per exercise, excepting the cariocas
Carioca, 25m ea. side
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
10 rounds
Single leg stair hops, 10 steps per leg
10 bodyweight squats
stair lunges, 20 steps
Depth jumps, 5x5
Single leg box jumps, 5x 5 reps ea. leg
100m Burpee broad jump
500m swim or 3 mile run

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Monday 20140804 Training Session

Active Recovery
Warm Up
10 reps ea. (Except the carioca)
Carioca Shuffles, 50m
Lunges with a twist
Lateral lunges
Run 3 miles
Swim 1000m
Bike 10 miles

Sunday 20140803 Training Session

Hypertrophy Day
Warm up:
10 reps each
Carioca shuffles, 50m
Lunge with a twist
Lateral lunges
20 bench press
20 front squats
Back extensions, 3x10
10 pull-ups
20 dips
5 toes to bar
10 windshield wipers
5 toes to bar
100m repeat

Friday, August 1, 2014

Saturday 20140802 Training Session

Strength Day
Super set
3 bench press
3 Deadlift
3 OH press
Squat, 6x3
Band-resistance pullups
Band resistance dips
Single-arm KB snatch
Farmers carry, 5x30', 315+
5 mile run
Tactical Skills:
Study a foreign language for 1 hour
Draw from concealment, dry fire, reload, dry fire

Friday 20140801 Training Session

Power day
10x1 hang power clean
5 rounds
6 weighted pullups, 90
5 power cleans, 135
4 OH press, 135
3 deadlifts, 235
2 hang power cleans, 235
1 thruster, 235
Behind the neck thruster, 5x3
Weighted box jumps, 5x5, 50lb DBs
Dumbbell snatches, 5x5
Weighted planks, 70
KB throw-and-chase, 200m, 53lb
Glute-ham raises, 3x10
1000m open water swim, CSS
Tactical skills:
Spend one hour learning a foreign language
(You can use Duolingo for free)
Begin memorizing a relevant creed (infantryman's creed, Ranger Creed, SEAL Ethos, etc.)