Thursday, July 31, 2014

245 Hang Power Clean

I worked my way all the way up to 265, but unfortunately didn't get it on video. Expect a video of me hitting 265-275 on Friday.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Thursday 20140731 Training Session

Speed/agility day
10 rounds
5 sit-ups-> wall ball
5 hand stand push-ups
5 pull-ups
5 jump squats, 185
Ball slams
5 toes-to-bar
10 windshield wipers
5 toes to bar
Depth jumps 5x5
The seven drill x5

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday 20140729 Training Session

Upper Body Round Robin
Best explained here:
Bench press, 80% body weight, no time limit
1 minute of push-ups
1 minute of sit-ups
Pull-ups, no time limit
Dips, no time limit
Rope climb, no time limit
1 minute of kipp-ups
Shuttle run, 4x25m
5 mile ruck, 40lb dry

Consult the aforementioned website for grading and standards.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday 20140728 Training Session

Hypertrophy Day
5x, 1 minute rest between sets
1 deadlift
5 shrugs
1 deadlift
5 shrugs
1 deadlift
5 shrugs
1 deadlift
5 shrugs
5-4-3-2-1, 25lb dumbbells
Anterior raises
Lateral raises
Posterior raises
OH press
3x20 bench press
3x20 squats
3x20 weighted sit-ups
500m swim for time

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday 20140727 Training Session

Strength day
5 rounds
3 squat, 90% 3RM
3 deadlift, 90% 3RM
3 bench press, 90% 3RM
Weighted pullups, 45
Weighted dips
Weighted planks, 70
5x Farmers walk, 30' 315+
5x 400m repeat

Friday, July 25, 2014

Saturday 20140726 Training Session

Power Day
EMOM, 10 minutes
1 power clean
1 thruster
1 BTN thruster
EMOM, 15 minutes
1 snatch grip high pull
1 power snatch
Over head kettlebell throw and chase, 53lb, 100m
Pendlay rows, 5x5
High pulls, 5x3
Kettlebell decline sit-up complex
5 w/ kettlebell in both hands
5 in right hand
5 in left hand
5 in both
500m open water swim, CSS

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Friday 20140725 Training Session

Speed/Agility Day
5 rounds
5 bar muscleups
10 depth jumps, 36"
10 handstand push-ups
Jump squats, 5x5
Ball slams
Punch-to-the-nuts 5x5 ea arm

Stair sprints, 10 laps, 20 steps per lap
Followed by:
Single leg stair hops, 10 laps, 10 steps per leg per lap
5 mile run
Tactical skills:
10x draw from concealment and dry fire on target. Headshots only.
5x Tmacs Inc. Grid of Fire handgun drill
Roundhouse kicks on the heavy bag, alternate legs every round
Elbow strikes on the heavy bag

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Thursday 20140724 Training Session

Active Recovery
Do yoga, swim a few laps, go hiking, whatever it is you want to do; just don't be a couch potato.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wednesday 20140723 Training Session

Hypertrophy Day
Super set x3
20 bench press @185
15 dumbbell calf raises (ea. leg) @75
Super set x3
20 bent-over barbell rows @135
20 walking lunges @135
KB clean and press
Leg extensions 3x8
Overhead barbell press 3x8
3x Hanging Ab Complex
5 toes to bar
10 windshield wipers
5 toes to bar

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tuesday 20140722 Training Session

Strength Day
5 rounds
6 band resistance pull-ups
12 band resistance dips
Bench Press 5x3
Box Squat 5x3
Deficit Trap Bar deadlifts 5x3
Weighted Sit-ups 3x10
Weighted leg raises 3x8
Weighted GHR 5x5
5 rounds
Swim 1 length of pool
Lunge half of the way back
Bear crawl other half
Tactical skills:
Study MEDEVAC 9 line
10x draw and dry fire from concealment

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Monday 29140721 Training Session

Power Day
EMOM, 10 minutes
1 hang power clean
1 push press
1 BTN thruster
15 minutes, 1 minute at each station
Sit-up->wall ball
Squats @135
Kettlebell swings @53
BTN thrusters 5x3
Jump squats 5x5
Pull-ups 3x20
Swimming, CSS or breast stroke, 750m
5x 400m repeats
Tactical skills:
20x dime washer drills from prone w/ long gun
Memorize troop leading procedures

Sunday 20140720 Training Session

Speed/agility day
10 rounds
Stair sprints, 20 steps
10 squats
Single leg stair hops, 10 laps, 10 steps per leg
10 rounds
5 depth jumps, 36"
5 pullups
10 alternating med ball push-ups
Lateral lunges 5x10
Med ball slams
Punch to the nuts 5x5

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thursday 20140717 Training Session

Special Operations Triathlon
5 mile run
1000m swim
6 mile ruck

Wednesday 20140716 Training Session

Hypertrophy Day
20 Bench press @135
20 dumbbell walking lunges @60
8 leg extensions
10 calf raises
10 Glute ham raises
5-4-3-2-1 pyramid
W/ 30lb dumbbells
front raises
lateral raises
posterior raises
overhead press
Hanging ab complex
5 toes to bar
10 windshield wipers
5 toes to bar
Squats 3x20
5x 400m repeats
5x 100m repeats
Tactical Skills
10x pistol draw, fire (dry)& reload from concealment
10x pistol reload from empty
Begin memorization of Dive Table 1: No Decompression Limits and Repetitive Group Designation

Monday, July 14, 2014

Tuesday 20140714 Training Session

Strength Day
Bench press 5x3
Box Squat 5x3
Deadlift 5x3
Super set
5 Band-resistant pullups
10 Band-resistant dips
Farmers walk, 5x 30ft, go as heavy as possible in as little time as possible
5 rounds
100m swim
20 push-ups
20 flutter kicks
Mix in whatever accessory exercises you feel necessary, do not exceed 4 exercises

Band- resistant pullups for those wondering.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Monday 20140714 Training Session

Power Day
EMOM, 10 minutes
5 hang power snatches @ 115lb+
5 rounds
10 pull-ups
15 dips
20 jumping squats
25 v-ups
Jump squats, 5x5
Thrusters, 5x3
Swim 1000m

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sunday 20140713 Training Session

Speed Day
Single leg stair hops: 5 laps ea leg, 10 steps per lap
5 rounds
3 muscleups
6 depth jumps @ 36"
9 handstand push-ups
Box jump from seated position, 5x5
3x10 Glute ham raises
5x 400m repeats
5x 100m repeats
3x Kettlebell sit-up complex, 45lb
5 w/ KB in both hands
5 w/ KB in right hand
5 left hand
5 both hands

Saturday 20140712 Training Session

Rest Day

Friday 20140711 Training Session

Ruck Day
5 mile ruck march @45 without water; in boots and shorts.

Stop every other mile and perform:
Mile 1: 50 push-ups (with ruck)
Mile 3: 50 crunches (without ruck)
Mile 5: 50 squats (with ruck)

Thursday 20140710 Training Session

Hypertrophy day
Superset 3x
20 bench press @135
20 barbell lunges @135
10 chin-ups
Superset 5x
5 deficit trap bar deadlifts @315
5 OH press @135
Superset 3x
8 leg extensions @220
8 calf raises
10 Glute ham raises
Weighted planks, 90
500m open water swim->
1.5 mile run

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday 20140709 Training Session

Strength day
Bench press: 6x3, 45s rest between sets
Box squat: 6x3, 45s rest between sets
Deficit trap bar deadlifts: 6x3, 45s rest between sets
5 rounds
5 Band resistance pull-ups
15 dips
Kettlebell sit-up complex
5 front
5 right
5 left
5 front
Weighted planks, 45
Swim 500m
Tabata- dive bombers
250m swim
Log flips, 100m