Monday, April 14, 2014

20140414 Training Session

Warm Up:

Pull-ups: 10 +45, 6 +90, 5  +90
Dips: 20, 15 +45, 10 +90
Knee Jumps to Squat: 5x3


Reverse Grip Bench: 10, 5, 3, 5x1
Deficit Snatch-grip Deadlifts: 5x3, 5x1
Reverse-grip Rows: 3x6, 2x3
Hang Power Clean: 5x3, 3x1
Dumbbell Clean and Press: 10x1
Weighted Sit-ups: 3x10


Farmer's Walk: 3x 100'
Rowing: 1000m

Sunday, April 13, 2014

20140413 Training Session

Warm Up: 

Pull-ups: 20, 10 +45, 6 +90, 1 +135
Dips: 3x20
Jump Squats: 3x6


Reverse-grip Bench: 5x4
Regular Bench: Work up to max
Low Bar Squats: 5x5
Dumbbell Bench: 3x8
Reverse-grip Row: 3x8
Weighted Incline Sit-up: 4x15
Weighted Leg Raises: 3x8


Power Snatch Complex: 3 Snatch-grip High Pulls, 1 Power Snatch every minute on the minute, 10 minutes

Friday, April 11, 2014

20120411 Training Session

Warm Up:

Pull-ups: 20, 15, 10
Dips: 3x20
High Bar Squats: 10, 2x5


Front Squats: 5x5
Low Bar Squats: 5x5
Rack Squats: 10x1, 10 second hold
Glute Ham Raises: 3x10


Weighted Box Jumps w/ Dumbbells: 5x5, 45 seconds in between sets

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

20140410 Training Session


Pullups: 10 +45lb, 6 +90lb, 1x +135lb
Dips: 3x20
High Bar Squats: 3x10


Deficit Trap Bar Deadlifts: 10x2
Full Zerchers: 10x1
Reverse Grip Barbell Rows: 4x6
Dumbbell Shrugs: 3x20


Kettlebell Swings: 50

Fueling the Machine


   Indeed, even our scientific and medical communities, even the ones that specialize in such things, argue over what the best diet for optimal human performance is. In fact, most of them can only seem to agree on one thing: the food pyramid is garbage. In fact, it is one of the only sources of nutritional advice that propagates the low-fat/high-carbohydrate diet that has been disproved by every other legitimate nutritional organization. 

The USDA approved food pyramid

   The question is: are you eating for performance or health? There are plenty of cases of people thriving on a ketogenic diet, a low-carbohydrate/high-fat diet. However, there are even more cases of the diet leading to low energy levels and even catabolism in those that find it difficult to eat enough protein and fat to make up for the loss of calories from carbohydrates. I have personally experienced good results from this diet, most of which were aesthetic rather than performance-based.

The ketogenic pyramid

   The best diet I have found for personal performance was the paleolithic diet, which I find strange. There are few third party organizations that consider the paleo diet a legitimate and viable nutritional source. In fact, it would seem the only people that extoll the virtues of such a diet are the ones who created it in the first place. Many organizations agree that a healthy diet should be high in vegetables, high in meats, and relatively low in most grains and other carbohydrates but few believe in cutting out grains altogether; even fewer believe in the exclusion of dairy and legumes, both of which are excellent sources of amino-rich proteins and healthy fats.

The paleo food pyramid

   My nutritional philosophy is the same as my training philosophy: experiment and find what individual factors work best towards your personal goals. Use common sense, stay away from what is universally considered junk food, and remain open minded in your methods, but single-minded in your goals.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

20140409 Training Session

Warm Up:

Dips: 20, 15 +45lb, 10 +90lb


Narrow-Grip Bench: 3x8
Wide-Grip Bench: 3x8
Regular Bench: 5x5
Standing Overhead Press: 3x8
Dumbbell Bench: 3x8


Rowing: 2000m

20140408 Training Session

Squat Focus

Warm Up:

Jump Squats: 5x5


High Bar Squats: 3x8
Low Bar Squats: 10x2
Glute-Ham Raises: 3x8
Hip Thrusters: 3x8


Weighted Box Jumps w/ Dumbbells: 5x5
Rowing: 3x 1000m, 2 minute break in between

Monday, April 7, 2014

20140407 Training Session

Pull Focus

Warm Up

Pullups: 20, 10 +45lb, 6 +90lb


Dumbbell Rows: 3x8
Deadlifts: 5x3
Rack Pulls: 6x2
Weighted Leg Raises: 3x8
Weighted Situps: 3x10


Power Snatch: 5x every minute on the minute, 10 minutes

Sunday, April 6, 2014

20140406 Training Session

Press Focus

Warm Up:

Dips: 3x15


Reverse Grip Bench: 5x5
Floor Press: 6x3
Bench Press: 10x1
Push Press: 6x2
Dumbbell Bench: 3x8


Hang Clean->Push Press: 3x every minute on the minute, 10 minutes

Thursday, April 3, 2014

20140403 Training Session

Pull Focus

Warm Up

Pull-ups- 3x10


Snatch Complex- 10x 1 Pendlay row, 1 snatch-grip high pull, 1 power snatch
Hang clean- 6x3
Trap Bar deadlift: 6x2
Weighted pull-ups- 3x10
Rack pulls- 10x1


Rowing- 1000m
Hanging Ab Complex- 3x 5 toes-to-bar, 5 windshield wipers, 5 toes to bar

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

20140402 Training Session

Active Recovery

Row 2000m
50 Kettlebell Swings

20140401 Training Session

Press Focus

Warm Up:

Dips: 3x20


Reverse-grip Bench Press: 5x2
Bench Press: 8x1
Push Press: 5x3
Behind the Neck Thruster: 5x1
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3x6


Burpee->Toe-to-bar: 5 reps every minute on the minute, 10 minutes